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Not long ago, Frances' common-sense ideals would have sounded like impractical remnants of Sunday school thinking. But teen-pregnancy rates have dropped to their lowest levels in recent decades, and some observers say the abstinence-only movement deserves a share of the credit.
Certainly, the drop is the result of a variety of causes - from the increased use of contraceptives to the improved economy's salutary effect on families. Yet supporters say abstinence programs at churches and schools are having a small but powerful effect on America's teens.
Whatever the reasons, teen-pregnancy rates dropped 14 percent nationwide from 1990 to 1995, according to a 1998 survey by the Annie E. Casey Foundation in Baltimore. The decline was sharpest among black teens - 21 percent - reaching a level that is now the lowest in 40 years.
A separate 1998 study by the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) found evidence that teen sex rates have dropped as well - some 11 percent from 1991 to 1997. Even so, not all Americans are abstaining. Nearly 500,000 teenage girls become pregnant each year, according to the JAMA.
Some groups, like the massive True Love Waits campaign sponsored by the Southern Baptist Convention, encourage teens to sign a pledge card promising to delay sex until marriage. Others, like Best Friends and Free Teens of Westwood, N.J., preach a lesson of self-respect through self-restraint, and encourage teens to share their experiences and offer support to each other when they feel challenged - or tempted.
But while those in the abstinence movement can point to individual lives that have been changed by their message of self-restraint, critics say there is still little evidence to show that this message is the main force in driving down teen-pregnancy rates. In fact, most public-health experts regard the pro-abstinence crowd as little more than a Band-Aid.
Twenties tells the story of three black girls, one of whom is queer, and because of it, Waithe is drawing comparisons to another Lena: Lena Dunham, creator of Girls. Some are calling Twenties black girls' answer to Girls, a show heavily criticized for its lack of on-screen diversity. 59ce067264