Oxford Handbook Of Urology
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The book is divided into 19 chapters. The first 3 cover general principles of patient management, significance of symptoms and signs followed by urological investigations. The following 13 chapters cover the range of urological topics from the more obvious, such as bladder outlet obstruction (ie benign prostate disease) and malignant diseases of the urological tract, to perhaps less obvious topics such as sexual health, neuropathic bladder and trauma, in addition to a comprehensive chapter on paediatric urology. The final 3 chapters cover urological surgery and equipment, relevant basic science and urological eponyms.
Each is covered succinctly over usually one or two pages, starting with definitions, incidence, aetiology and presentation followed by investigations and management. Despite being designed as a quick reference book it is really quite detailed. I have found it very suitable as the basis to grill specialist registrars revising for the final FRCS exam. The topic-based chapters make the book ideal for medical students and junior medical staff faced with a urology patient. The layout gives them an ideal structure to each topic and as such is very helpful to their learning process and to the safe management of patients. It is also excellent preparation for presenting patients in clinic or over the phone to seniors out of hours.
The handbook is a comprehensive and concise resource, spanning the whole field of urology in an easily digestible format, including the basics of patient assessment and investigations. Providing bite-sized topics with easily navigable sections and summary diagrams and photographs, it is a key source for quick reference during clinical duties in clinics, theatre, and A&E settings, whilst providing enough information for urology doctors taking the FRCS exam. The authors have a wide range of subspecialist interests, and have welcomed a brand new co-author to ensure coverage of the needs of junior doctors. The Oxford Handbook of Urology is an invaluable resource for junior urology doctors, A&E and general surgery doctors, urology ward and theatre nurses, and medical students.
The fourth edition of the Oxford Handbook of Urology has been fully updated to reflect the significant advances in medical and surgical opportunities since the previous edition, including pelvic laparoscopic and robotic surgery, new drugs in incontinence and male sexual health, and new laser devices for prostate surgery. Guidelines from the European Association of Urology, the American Association of Urology, and the British Association of Urology, as wellas NICE, have all been updated to reflect the best evidence-based clinical practice.Featuring both additional and expanded topics, the new edition is up to date for use in everyday urological clinical practice, and now includes recent urological controversies such as the use of vaginal mesh, to offer the newest guidance to help with doctors' consultations with the patient.The handbook is a comprehensive and concise resource, spanning the whole field of urology in an easily digestible format, including the basics of patient assessment and investigations. Providing bite-sized topics with easily navigable sections and summary diagrams and photographs, it is a key source for quick reference during clinical duties in clinics, theatre, and A&E settings, whilst providing enough information for urology doctors taking the FRCS exam. The authors have a wide range ofsubspecialist interests, and have welcomed a brand new co-author to ensure coverage of the needs of junior doctors. The Oxford Handbook of Urology is an invaluable resource for junior urology doctors, A&E and general surgery doctors, urology ward and theatre nurses, and medical students.
Toc: Cover......Page 1Series......Page 3Oxford Handbook of Urology......Page 4Copyright......Page 5Preface......Page 6Acknowledgements......Page 7Contents......Page 8Symbols and abbreviations......Page 91 General principles of management of patients......Page 262 Significance and preliminary investigation of urological symptoms and signs......Page 323 Urological investigations......Page 624 Bladder outlet obstruction......Page 965 Urinary incontinence and female urology......Page 1546 Infections and inflammatory conditions......Page 2187 Urological neoplasia......Page 2778 Miscellaneous urological diseases of the kidney......Page 4329 Stone disease......Page 46210 Upper tract obstruction, loin pain, hydronephrosis......Page 52611 Trauma to the urinary tract and other urological emergencies......Page 54012 Infertility......Page 58013 Sexual health......Page 60614 Neuropathic bladder......Page 64615 Urological problems in pregnancy......Page 68216 Paediatric urology......Page 69417 Urological surgery and equipment......Page 75618 Basic science and renal transplant......Page 85219 Urological eponyms......Page 872Index......Page 876
Mr Simon Brewster is a consultant urological surgeon with more than 30 years' experience of clinical practice in urology. With a private practice in Oxford running alongside his senior NHS consultant position, Mr Brewster offers state-of-the-art care for the diagnosis and management of prostate cancer, benign prostate enlargement symptoms, prostatitis, urinary tract infections (UTI), scrotal conditions and blood in the urine (haematuria).After qualifying as a doctor from London's Charing Cross Hospital in 1986 with a first class degree in anatomy and honours in pathology, Mr Brewster undertook his training in surgery and a doctorate research thesis based in Bristol. In 1998 he was appointed as a consultant in Oxford and pioneered the prostate cancer and HoLEP services there. He has led the University Hospitals department with teaching, clinical management, clinical governance and as an elected staff governor for the NHS Foundation Trust. He is a Fellow and Tutor at Hertford College, Oxford. Nationally and internationally, Mr Brewster has influenced specialist training and auditing of surgical outcomes by organising two major conferences and has sat on committees of the British Association of Urological Surgeons (BAUS) and the Uro-oncology Board of the European Association of Urologists (EAU).Mr Brewster performs MRI-targeted prostate biopsy, diagnostic bladder examinations (cystoscopy) and a wide range of surgery with a high level of patient satisfaction. For prostate and bladder symptoms he offers all medical options and recent surgical innovations including holmium laser enucleation (HoLEP) and Rezum steam ablation which have the advantages of reduced bleeding, side-effects and a very short hospital stay compared to traditional prostate surgery. He also has considerable experience with ultrasound-guided prostate brachytherapy, gel spacer implants prior to prostate radiotherapy and day-case injections to treat incontinence after prostatectomy.Mr Brewster maintains an active interest in research and education; he has produced over 90 publications in books and peer-reviewed journals. He is a co-author of the very popular Oxford Handbook of Urology, now in its 4th edition. He undergoes annual appraisal and revalidates with the GMC every five years. With extensive experience in patient care and urological surgery when necessary, Mr Brewster offers a comprehensive evidence-based and personalised service to private patients within and beyond Oxfordshire. 59ce067264